Jennifer Wauhob
Katy | 281-896-4798 |
Wauhob leads The Jennifer Wauhob Team with Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Gary Greene in Katy and West Houston. She served as the 2022 Houston Association of REALTORS® Chairman and the 2021 Texas REALTORS® Strategic Planning Committee Chairman.
I was a teacher before getting into real estate, and teachers want to help people. So that has always translated into my business. It’s about understanding that each client is unique and has his or her own set of priorities. My job is to help clients understand the process so they feel empowered, and to do what is in their best interest no matter what.
One thing you learn from teaching is that saying something once is never enough; people need to hear information repeatedly for it to truly sink in. I am constantly educating my clients so they are not caught off guard by anything.
The best ways to build connections in real estate are to be a good listener and be genuinely interested in others.
Our industry is going through some big changes, and our association is at the forefront to protect consumers and the professionals who serve them. That’s what I am most looking forward to about serving on this year’s Leadership Team.
There are decisions being made every day about your profession whether you are involved in them or not. Once I figured that out, I wanted to be a part of the conversation.
I wish more clients knew how costly it can be if they don’t hire good representation when going through a real estate transaction.
As someone who was never interested in politics before, I can say that now I have seen with my own eyes how the system works and how critical our TREPAC investments are. Every session there is legislation that affects the real estate industry. If we are not there working to protect it, then no one else will.
There is a lot going on that is outside of our control. Learning to be patient and to not make knee-jerk decisions has been something I have had to work on.
To me, the more people are able to serve, the more successful they are in life.
Tony Lloyd
Lubbock | 806-549-8669 |
Lloyd is Sales Associate/Owner of RE/MAX Lubbock. He serves on the NAR Board of Directors and has been involved in RPAC. He has served on several state association committees and was TREPAC Chairman in 2020. Lloyd was the 2007 president of the Lubbock Association of REALTORS®.
I have spent 26 years building a business on referrals by forming longtime relationships, being involved in my community in various aspects, and maintaining consistent contact through pop-bys, calls, notes, lunches, and dinners.
When building rapport with new clients, I like to try common denominators, such as kids, church, friends, community involvement, and just try to be helpful until a trust factor is established. If your clients like you and trust you, most often they will want to do business with you.
I think my Graduate, REALTOR® Institute training was probably the most comprehensive I’ve taken. But even more valuable was shadowing and mentoring. Role playing was also huge (even though I kind of hated it) because I was able to practice and improve my skills before actually meeting with clients.
I like these quotes from Winston Churchill: “Success is not final. Failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts.” And, “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”
What goes into a great purchase offer? You obviously need the knowledge of the market, but proactively educating your client about the market, the process, financing, and the options is key. It will make for a much smoother transaction if the buyer has all of the pieces of the puzzle lined up earlier rather than later.
Many times, buyers and sellers will have plenty of emotions. We must be calm and the voice of reason.
Time management is underestimated in this business. We must balance family and business at all times of the day and week.
Jef Conn
Lubbock | 806-787-4779 |
Conn is an industrial and office specialist with Coldwell Banker Commercial in Lubbock. Conn was the 2017 president of the Lubbock Association of REALTORS® and the 2016 winner of the Texas REALTORS® William C. Jennings Award for outstanding commercial transaction of the year.
I’ve enjoyed every minute of being chairman. The regional meetings were my favorite part. Meeting our members in their home regions is a great way to get to know them and their markets better.
I like the complex deals that require a spreadsheet and creative problem solving. I prefer the ones that look impossible but you can find a way through with creative thinking or a deep dive into the financials. That’s where I can provide value to my clients.
I wish I’d known during the early days in my business how important communication is. Communicating what is happening now is great, but the key to success in business and in volunteer leadership is to communicate what’s happening next.
Commercial practitioners need to be talking to their clients or prospective clients often. The more time we spend talking with clients and understanding the needs, the more we’ll be able to help them with their needs.
You can be in association volunteer leadership and have a successful business. It takes a lot of work and planning. You need to learn how to work remotely so your business can continue no matter where you are.
My advice for new agents is to get involved. The more people you know in this business—coupled with the more industry knowledge you have—the better able you are to grow your business. Also, start studying and learning how to better negotiate and how to think bigger.
I’m excited about our association’s Texas Accredited Commercial Specialist certification. I’m glad the courses give an introductory look to those wanting to get into commercial real estate.
Travis Kessler
Texas | 512-480-8200 |
Kessler has served as President and CEO of Texas REALTORS® since 2010 and will retire at the end of March this year. He has received many industry accolades, including the William R. Magel Award, NAR’s highest honor for a REALTOR® association executive. He has also been named for nine consecutive years to the Swanepoel Power 200 list of the most influential leaders in the real estate industry.
I’ve seen so much change since I started in the industry many decades ago, from printed books of listings and thermal printers for property agreements to the digital systems we use today. You have to keep up with it all or you’ll be left behind.
Our association has made tremendous progress over the years in the legislative, regulatory, and legal arenas. These are the keys to our relevancy.
I learned early in my career that people like to be around positive people. Above all, I value the relationships I have made, and I take great joy from having worked in such a positive industry where people matter.
Under Mike Barnett’s leadership, Texas REALTORS® will continue to set the standard for REALTOR® associations nationwide. Mike’s vision, dedication, and proven leadership will undoubtedly benefit REALTORS® across Texas, helping them navigate challenges and seize opportunities in an ever-evolving industry.
Mike Barnett
Texas | 512-480-8200 |
Barnett joined Texas REALTORS® as a member of the Field Representative team 19 years ago. Since then, he has served as a lobbyist, Director of Political Affairs, Chief Operating Officer, and Executive Vice President. He will become President and CEO in April.
My leadership style is inclusive. I believe in surrounding ourselves with talented people and allowing that talent to lead us to better outcomes. No one person has all the answers, and by working together, we can align strengths, inspire innovation, and achieve greater results. My role as a leader is to guide, support, and create opportunities for others to excel. We are better together.
The most important qualities of a leader are service above self; creativity—the ability to see new solutions to problems; the ability to get the best from others through earned influence, inspiration, and teamwork; a positive attitude; and of course, knowledge and experience, but that must be combined with the characteristics above.
I’ve learned from watching Travis Kessler navigate challenges with vision, ensuring all voices are heard while achieving outcomes that benefit everyone. Travis exemplifies statesmanship, empathy, character, and a deep understanding of the industry and Texas REALTORS® members.
Members drive this organization forward, so I encourage you to get engaged in whatever way works for you—whether it’s joining a committee, responding to a survey, or sharing your feedback.